Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Leap Coaching Career Change Coaching Programme

    • Welcome Message

  • 2

    Supporting Documents

    • Support Documents

    • Coaching Session Follow-up

    • Action Challenge

    • Leap Coaching Learning Journal

  • 3

    Part 1: Your Why, What is Worth Making a Change For?

    • Module 1 Introduction

    • Part 1 Your Why Workbook

    • Coaching Session Follow-up

    • Part 1 Checklist

    • Mindset Tool: Competing Commitments

    • Additional Resources: Listen, Watch, Read

  • 4

    Part 2: Strengths & Career Fulfilment

    • Strengths Introduction

    • 360 Feedback - Strengths

    • Part 2 Strengths Workbook

    • Coaching Session Follow-up

    • Part 2 Checklist

    • Mindset Tool - Curiosity

    • Additional Resources Watch, Read, Listen

  • 5

    Part 3: Values & Values Lead Decision-Making

    • Values Introduction

    • Values Workbook

    • Purpose Workbook

    • Mindset Tool: Mindfulness

    • Additional Resources Read, Watch, Listen

  • 6

    Part 4: Personality: Career Personality Fit

    • Personality Introduction

    • Self-Assessment of Personality Type – What is your style?

    • Persoanlity Worksheet

    • Career Sectors & Interests Questionnaires

    • Read, Watch, Listen

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    Part 5: Decision Making: Identifying Career Possibilities

    • Career Action Getting Unstuck

    • Identifying Career Possibilities

    • Ideal Job Description

    • Planned Happenstance

    • Decision Making Tool using MBTI

    • Action Priority Matrix

    • Extra: Read, Watch Listen

  • 8

    Getting Your Dream Job

    • Networking

    • CV Writing Checklist

    • CV Leap Template

    • Getting Started With LinkedIn

    • Career & Recruitment Websites

    • Salary Negotiations

    • Extra Read, Watch, Listen